is there any kind of deoderant, other than those crystals that smell, that don\'t have aluminum in it?Green People\'s deodorant doesn\'t have aluminium or parabens; many people avoid these to be on the safe side. Please be aware though that \'deodorants/anti-perspirants cause breast cancer\' is an urban myth. There is no evidence that this is the case and the email that did the rounds a while ago was a hoax.yes, just look for the word \'deodorant\' instead of \'anti-perspirent\'. I understand you may be concerned about the aluminum causing harm - however, it is the only way to stay \'dry\'. The others allow you to sweat, and just cover up the odor.Funny you should ask...I was reading the labels just yesterday on my deods also! Old Spice has Alum Hydroxide...Brut has Popylene Glycol and Old Spice High Endurance has Dipropylene Glycol. Ususally the 1st ingredient that you read on the label tells what it is the main ingredient. I prefer Brut!aluminum is the anti persperat find any product that say deodorant onlyMennen makes a line of plain old deodorant. They also make antiperspirants, though, so be sure you read the label.Other related question