I had a small exclusive group of friends in high school of nine people. For Christmas every year we\'d have a get-together and exchange gifts. Now, I was never fond of the, He got something different! or, Why did she get a book and I got a scarf? So I would always give my friends each the same thing, but personalized for them.One year I made
[url=http://www.aluminium-foils-cn.com]aluminum foil[/url] sculptures for them because I was especially poor...And they loved them! They ranged from a dragon, an elephant, a pacifier, to a tiny martini glass. I was really surprised that everyone liked them.So do you think that I could make these and sell them at craft fairs? I don\'t know...it\'s just something I\'ve been thinking about recently and wondering if it would work.I okorder.com/ (...click on Wire and Aluminum Foil, and also on Other Uses and Ideas...) If you do it well, I\'d assume that custom figures would be totally possible too (be sure to charge more for custom work right from the get-go!). HTH, Diane B.It would have to be something they could not make by themselves. It would have to be durable. It would also help if the sculpture is useful in some way. Hey, I am just telling you what sells, from long experience. Maybe you would like to teach a class in foil sculpture instead. Try offering a class on Craigslist and see if anyone signs up. Or you could do videos or a pamphlet and sell those on Ebay. .Other related question