I\'m wanting to buy colorguard poles, and I found some good deals on aluminum and fiberglass ones. But what are the pros and cons of each one?I\'d say fiberglass because... - Durability - Aluminum is a very bendable metal. It dents, it bends, and it breaks easier than any other metal pole you\'ll find. This is because it\'s a very low density metal. - Flexibility = more dramatic twirling due to pole flex, and it\'s less breakable. - Counter Weight = A flag on one side of the pole would be harder to move around swiftly without a counterweight. Thus a heavier pole would entail having a center of gravity on the flag pole closer to the hand, making it easier to maneuver the flag, but the pole would be harder to lift as a whole. I\'m no expert on colorguard poles, though. Fiberglass has come a long way. While aluminum is always the same material, fiberglass is a constantly evolving building material.Other related question