i added aluminum sulfate to the soil from the bag with out mixing it with water and my hydrangeas look very sad. It burned them i guess... What is best thing to do to take some of it out or all if i can? will adding large amounts of water to the soil help it clear or will it make it worse? please before they die!!!10points!!!Aluminum sulfate lowers the pH of soil (increases the acidity). To increase the pH, you need to add lime. The ideal pH for most plants is around neutrality, or pH = 7. I can\'t tell you how much lime to add, since I don\'t know how much aluminum sulfate you added. Try to add roughly the same amount as the aluminum sulfate and see if that helps. Overwatering may help some, as it will leach out some of the acid.how much did you add i mix it with the soil for my hydrangeas and never have a problem.. blend it into the soil around the hydrangeas the burning you see may be related to something other than the aluminum sulfateOther related question