How much is the price of the 6061
aluminum plate?You ask the question is not detailed enough, because 6061 aluminum thick and thin prices are different, domestic and imported prices are different, domestic quality of different prices are also different.Therefore, according to your specifications, quantity and use in what place (that is, quality requirements) in order to quote.Or give you a reference priceMore than 8MM thickness of the domestic low-end (that is, the surface black, flatness is not how kind of) price of 20 yuan /KG or soMade in China at the end of the price of 25-30 yuan /KG, domestic high-end 30 yuan /KG or more.Imports are usually 40-80/KGThe thickness below 8MM is quoted according to the actual thicknessThe price is very transparent on the 6061
aluminium plate market!Manufacturers also have several: there are Henan, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Chongqing, Shanghai, but the prices are almost the same.There are 6061
aluminum sheet, plate, state difference; prices are not the same.6061
aluminum sheet price: national standard sheet 0.8-5.0, thickness 38/ kgGB thick plate 5.0-300, thickness 27/ kgNon standard alloy
aluminum plate 20-21/ kgOther related question