I am doing a project on Aluminum it has 13 protons just to make sure everyones on the same page. How much of it is left or exsits? Also how does it behave?Aluminium is one of the most abundant Element on earth, ranking 3rd in the crust, second only to oxygen and silicon. And it is eminently recyclable. However, many minerals containing aluminium are not economically exploitable.As Vincent noted, aluminium is an abundant element in the earth\'s crust. It occurs in all clay minerals. Its main ore, bauxite(a mixture of aluminium hydroxides) is still available in vast deposits; particularly in Australia and South America. Aluminium is a reactive element, and so is not found in nature in the elemental form. Aluminium is a metal, and an amphoteric substance; that is; it reacts with both acids and bases.Other related question