Does [url=][url=][url=][url=]aluminum foil[/url][/url][/url][/url] keep food warm or cool, or is it just a convenient material to cover food with?It can insulate food, depending on how thick it is or how many layers you use. Aluminum foil is multi-functional: 1) Acts as a lid if you don\'t have one for any pot or pan. 2) As you mentioned: its a convenient material to cover food. 3) Can be used for lining the drip tray on your stove top for easy clean up. 4) Can be used as a non-stick liner for sheet pans when baking cookies or brownies. 5) Fish can be wrapped in [url=][url=][url=]aluminium foil[/url][/url][/url] and then steamed in the oven.The shiny side is slightly better reflector of heat. Face that side of the foil in the appropriate direction. To keep things cold, put the shiny side on the outside -- that will reflect incoming heat. To keep things warm, face the shiny side inward toward the hot food -- to reflect the heat that is trying to escape back into the food. So yes it keeps food warm and cool Yes, but not very long. Styrafoam is always the best for insulation.warm and cool whevs u want broall i know is that it keeps food hot.Other related question