I was hoping someone could explain aluminum corrosion with degreasers and cleaning formulas for automotive cleaning. This starts with, where is this aluminum (wheels)?, what types of cleaners?, do cleaners cause corrosion? Any insights would be appreciated.Contrary to popular believe, aluminum oxidizes just like steel. Steel rusts to a reddish color. Aluminum rusts to a white color and looks more like corrosion. Aluminum cleaners or cleaners safe for aluminum usually clean without staining the aluminum surface. Hardly any cleaner for for automotive use will corrode aluminum. Visit your local auto parts store and read the labels for a wheel cleaner that is \'safe\' for aluminum. You should be able to use it on all aluminum surfaces.stick with an automotive brand cleaner most wheels are clearcoated to prtect the finish. I use 50/50 water and simple green to clean wheels and ive been detailing 20+ yearsOther related question