Does anyone know how to polish aluminum on a motorcycle that isn\'t too expensive to do?MOTHERS one to do the polishing....then use a fresh one to buff the aluminum. Trust me on this one.....this is the ONLY polish I use on custom bikes.....with this stuff, you can make aluminum look almost like chrome!!!I have polished a lot of small parts myself. I usually start with 220 dry if the part has clear coat, paint, or has a bunch of scratches. Then I do 400, and 800 wet. I follow that with Semichrome or Mothers and a nice clean piece of terrycloth for a final polish. It\'s not at all expensive, but it takes time and effort. It looks great, but it also takes a lot of effort to keep it looking nice.Get a $5 can of metal polish and a rag or get you one of those things that fits a drill with the really soft cloth wheel on it and polish till your hearts content. I have done the side covers, manifolds, even the carbs on old british bikes.Get ahold of a polishing companys cataloge. The have all kinds of felt polishing wheels in all shaps and related question