What is the weight of Aluminium?
askaluadmin > 08-27-2019, 01:57 AM
The weight of any object is simply the force of gravitational acceleration scaled by the mass of the object. Since the acceleration due to gravity is constant over the surface of the Earth, all that is generally required to calculate the weight of any specific element or compound is its density. This linear proportionality suggests that the only dependent variable in calculating the weight of aluminum is the volume of the object.
Write down the density of aluminum. Aluminum is a base element with a well-documented density. The density of aluminum, or dAl, is about 2.7 grams of mass per cubic centimeter of volume. Therefore, dAl = 2.7 g/cm^3.
Determine the volume of the aluminum whose weight you wish you calculate. The volume can be determined by measuring the length, width and height of the piece of aluminum whose weight is to be calculated. You can use a ruler for this task. The volume V is simply the product of all three lengthwise measurements: V = l x w x h where l is the length, w is the width and h is the height.