What happens when iron is placed into aluminium sulphate solution?
ZellaHyday > 07-02-2018, 06:06 AM
Aluminum sulfate solution has strong acidity. If stainless steel buckets are used for a long time, stainless steel barrels will be corroded. It can be thought that the reaction between stainless steel barrel and aluminum sulfate is chemical reaction.
Hydrolysis of aluminum sulfate can produce sulfuric acid, and sulfuric acid and iron react to form ferrous sulfate, which causes the stainless steel barrel to be corroded.
Al2 (SO4) 3 + 6H2O = 2Al (OH) 3 + 3H2SO4.
Fe + H2SO4 = FeSO4 + H2
Other components of stainless steel barrels, such as chromium and nickel, can also react with sulfuric acid and be corroded.
When heating, the hydrolysis intensifies the acidity, and the rate of chemical reaction increases, and the corrosion rate accelerates greatly.