What I would like to do is to tap a hole with 1/4quot;NPT threads or 1/8quot;NPT threadsThe piece is built from a 2quot; aluminum roundHowever, I would prefer to do this with a peice of machineryIs there a machine which will do this that is affordable? Can a drill press or low end milling machine be fitted with an attachment to do this well? If not, is there anything I should know before attempting this with with a traditional tap?Sounds like all you need is a tap, handle, the correct size drill and some cutting oilThe only difficult thing may be drilling the hole in the round stockA drill press with a vise would help with thatPersonally I think a drill press is one of the most useful items in any shopIt is probably the most used piece of stationary equipment that I own(Ok truth be told I own two but thats another story.) Cutting oil will make the taping part easy, WD40 will work ok for aluminum.Other related question