Calculate the specific heat of aluminum
Xubqkata > 01-13-2020, 07:07 AM
Calculate the specific heat of aluminum (in calories).mass of aluminum25.0 gmass of water23.2ginitial temperature of aluminum98.0Cinitial temperature of water20.0Cfinal temperature of water33.0Cround to three decimal places, do not include units.Heat gained by water = heat lost by aluminum Heat = H mass = m specific heat =c change in temperature = dT H = mcdT mcdT for water = mcdT for Al (23.2)(1.00)(13) = (25.0)(c(Al))(33-98) c(Al) = (23.2)(1.00)(13)/(25.0)(65) = 0.186 This value is just a bit below the known value of specific heat for aluminum, where c = 0.217 cal/g.COther related question