Aluminum skateboards
RodionMeack > 01-13-2020, 07:44 AM
Does anyone know if aluminum skateboards are good?I haven\'t seen one since the old QuickSilver-Silver Surfer(circa 1979). They look great, but they become useless when scratched. Which can\'t really use them for anything. They\'re not as flexible as wood....and.......Wait until you get hit in the shin with an aluminum skateboard. Aircraft metal my(explicative deleted). My guess is they\'re inexpensive because they\'re trying to get the word out. The company owners probably no very little about skateboarding.Yes aluminum skateboards are good and very light.aluminum skateboards are ok if your just olling and playing around on them. but if your a real skater you\'ll probably want to get a real one.Other related question