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Full Version: Does anyone besides Bush know why our troops are in Iraq now
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We all know the history of the ever-shifting rationale (Sadam and Al Qaida, Sadaam and Osama, W.M.D.s, aluminum tubes, spreading freedom and democracy.etc.)I wouldn\'t expect Bush to ever tell us why he really wanted troops in Iraq, but are there even any more fake motives, plans or goals.anything but quot;We\'ll stay as long as we have to.quot;?well because oil reserves will be gone from north america by 2010would the number 1 super power give up it\'s holding simplying because it ran out of it\'s most vaulable resourcewe need oil right, well most oil comes form the middle eastsaudi arabia has alot of oil, but they are our allies, and they have alot of money, and regional supportso it\'d be hard to take there oilkuwait, dubai, quarter are just way too smallyemen is too dangerous Turkey is democratic and would have to agree to any oil take overIran is bitterly against us, and is a very modern and strong country which leaves Iraqiraq is america investment for the futureIraq was weakend by the 8 year war with iran and never recovered becuase of sanctions and 12 years of bombings under clintonthe Ba ath party has few alliesbasically iraq was the easest and most logical target for more bases and more power and more oil in the regionthe war is just simple polotics, it\'s either claim a stake, or become a runner up to asiaand there is no solution, besides admiting we are wrong and letting go of our grip on the worldOther related question