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Full Version: Aluminum in deodorant lead to Alzheimers
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I\'m 17 and it has been very hard finding a deodorant that makes me stop sweating. I told my dad I wanted to get Ban or Mitchum cause the percentage of Aluminum is very high. He said the Aluminum in deodorant has links to alzheimers, is that true? Also my sister said I could just scrub with soap morning and night, use regular deodorant without antipersperant and that would make me stop sweating too. But since i\'m a teenager and my hormones are still weird would that be strong enough to stop sweat?aluminum oxide in antipersperant does lead to alzheimer\'s, yes. but antiperspirant is not deodorant, and deodorant does not contain aluminum. sweating is a natural bodily function. if you need to sweat, sweat. it\'s odor that should bother people.Other related question