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Full Version: what is a good aluminum plate that will bend without tearing?
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I am trying to make some skid plates but when i put my bend in it, it tears or snaps off. What kind would be good for this.
If you take 1/4" 6061 T-6 and make a sharp corner, it's probably gonna break. If you heat it to bend it, it's DEFINITELY going to break. You can bend 6061 condition O (annealed) a lot tighter and easier, but it is not as stiff as T-6. You'll have to use a thicker section, so you'll carry more weight.

The usual way to bend steel... put it in a vise, get it red hot, and beat it with a hammer, is the sure fire recipe to snap aluminum right off. Aluminum is easier to bend when hot, but it is hot short.... it loses strength when hot. It'll crack on the outside of the bend every time. You have to bend it cold and do so gently and evenly. Press brake is your best bet for thick sections. Leaf brake for thinner stuff.

You may want to look at steel or even titanium for your plates if aluminum is giving you too much trouble in forming. Steel will bend a lot easier and not break, especially if heated to bend. Titanium is a bit expensive, but bends nicely with heat and saves a lot of weight.